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I n   T h i s   W o r l d

oil paintings by


William E Elston and Ann Duffy


Exhibit runs

April 8th - May 15th

Fri Sat Sun 11-5 pm



































William E Elston, "Snohomish Valley, Looking East", oil on canvas, 36 x 47", 2013

Ann Duffy,"Bovine Pals",  oil on canvas, 14 x 18", 2016













Two master oil painters at the top of their form.

Ann Duffy, a Seattle artist, and a frequent visitor to the Skagit builds her small delicate paintings, slowly and deftly, with a great eye for light and a sly humor.

William E Elston, a Snohomish resident, puts the panoramic on the canvas better than any other. Working often large scale, en plein air, he makes our every day surroundings appear remarkable.













Ann Duffy, "First Light", oil on canvas, 24 x 36", 2016

 William E Elston, "The Thing in the Yard", oil on canvas, 36 x 36", 2014













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