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ALLEN MOE : drop paintings MICHAEL CLOUGH : carved stones JAMES BREMS : transfer drawings


exhibit runs April 2nd - Aril 25th

reception : saturday april 3rd,  3 - 6 pm

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Allen Moe, Stitched Indigo, oil on board, 8 x 8 in, 2020


"I continue to explore the edge between order and disorder always trying to isolate the patterns that hold everything together. This past year I fell into stitched shibori discovering that I love the meditative simplicity of stitching and this immersion into textiles is beginning to show up in my paintings."

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Michael Clough, 2B, carved rock, 6 x 5 in, 2020.


"Rock is continually being altered and transformed. The characteristics of rock depends on how and where it was formed and transformed. The rock of my sculptures were formed by gently settling layers on the seabed transformed by heat and pressure. Further altered by the forces of erosion becoming stones.
Using abrasive tools I alter the stone; not applying an image but enhancing the existing patterns until it takes shape, becoming sculpture."

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James Brems, Wall of Thoughts, oil transfer drawing on mulberry paper, 18 x 11 in, 2020


"it was a time of quarantine and I needed to go somewhere. even masked
options were limited. fortunate the imagination doesn't need a vaccination
to travel. I began drawing a trip to hopefully someplace interesting and
this is what happened.
over 30 years ago I bought this paper it is a mulberry paper made in china
and one side is slightly fuzzy which is the side I draw on. the drawing
technique is called oil transfer and is new to me. one of the interesting
things about oil transfer is unpredictability, for instance line weight or
thickness make random detours and paint shows up in unintended places.
as a result. a selection of oil transfer drawings from a trip to hopefully
someplace interesting made from unpredictable unintended random detours."

i.e. is pleased to bring these 3 artists together for our April exhibit. Allen Moe, Michael Clough and James Brems are all working in media that is new to them within the last several years. Like Cloughs rocks, I have observed artists being formed or transformed over time by circumstances often beyond their control. The one thing that doesn't change is that they continue to make art. That central drive doesn't leave them though the manifestations take different shapes.

We will have an reception on the first Saturday of the month. Capacity limitations for the gallery space will be observed. Masks will be required. There will also be an orange canopy tent out by Tweets lawn. This will be for overflow and a longer period to mingle and talk to the artists.   April 3rd, 3-6 pm.


exhibit runs April 2nd - Aril 25th

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